Becoming an HSR is a matter of a nomination and simple election process in your workplace.
If there is more than one employee nomination for one position, an election needs to take place.
If you are the only nominee, you will not need to go through an election process. ANMF (Vic Branch) is able to help you with this easy, five-step process:
- Confirm your Designated Work Group (DWG) with your employer and agree upon the number of HSRs.
- Call for nominations and display the nomination in a prominent place.
- Complete an HSR nomination form and submit it to a person who can oversee the election. This may be an ANMF (Vic Branch) Job Representative.
- If there is more than one nominee, an election needs to take place. This may be as simple as a show of hands – you can choose your own election process.
- Notify your facility and ANMF (Vic Branch) of the elected HSR.
For more assistance, contact an ANMF Industrial Relations Organiser or contact the ANMF (Vic Branch) OHS Unit