Gender equality

Workplace Gender Equality Agency statement

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) is the largest trade union branch in Australia. We are an independent state branch of the federal Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation and are established under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009.

As part of the Australian trade union movement through the peak state (Victorian Trades Hall Council) and national (Australian Council of Trade Unions) bodies, we have long been on the forefront of the fight for social justice and human rights, including calls for gender equality in workplaces.

We represent the professional, industrial and occupational health and safety interests of 100,000 Victorian nurses, midwives and personal care workers employed in the predominantly female healthcare and aged care sectors. This is also reflected in the Branch staffing profile, which has a 77% female/23% male gender split. This puts ANMF (Vic Branch) in a unique position to contribute to achieving gender equality in Australia as both a trade union and an employer.

Our overall commitment and approach to achieving gender equality

Everyone has the right to expect a healthy and safe work environment that is free from unlawful discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment and associated unlawful conduct. We are strongly committed to achieving gender equality through the promotion of diversity and inclusion within the workplace for members and staff. 

As an employer we lead by example through our workplace policies, which are also reflected in our achievements for members through enterprise bargaining and submissions to state and federal governments on matters pertaining to gender equality. 

The Branch is currently in negotiations for the 2024-28 EBA (enterprise bargaining agreement) for Victorian public sector members. We have 22 specific measures in our log of claims to address gender inequality, such as improved flexible work arrangements, superannuation and leave. Additionally, the 2022 landmark Aged Care Work Value case resulted in a 15% wage increase for nurses and care workers in the sector as a “first step” towards securing better wages. 

Nationally, federal ANMF will continue to advocate for further gender equality measures, such as improving workplace flexibility; super reform; a fair share of tax concessions for women; and the introduction of a benchmark on retirement adequacy that doesn’t disadvantage women.

Staff wages and conditions are also set out in an EBA. This is collectively bargained between staff through their union representatives and ANMF executive and contains provisions to address gender equality.

Contexts or influences on our gender pay gap (GPG)

   2022-2023 GPG
 Median total remuneration
 Median base salary


The ANMF (Vic Branch) workforce comprises a 77% female, 23% male gender split.

  • across key management personnel (excluding the Branch Secretary), the gender split is 50/50
  • other managers: 69% female/31% male 
  • non managers: 79% female/21% male

Our 0.0% GPG across median base salary is reflective of the provision of equal access to rates of pay and entitlements regardless of gender. 

The 5.1% median total remuneration GPG is impacted by the payment of qualifications allowances, which male staff members have claimed on average at a higher rate than female staff members, noting that the allowances and applicable rates are equally available to all staff regardless of gender. 

Remuneration increases with tenure/experience with some of the longest serving employees being male.

The Branch average total 5.1% GPG is the same as the industry comparison group GPG. 

Detail your action plan to address gaps and amplify existing strengths

Wages and conditions for ANMF (Vic Branch) are set out in the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) (Employees and Council) agreement 2020-2024. Some of the clauses addressing gender equality include:

  • flexible working arrangements
  • payment of 16% superannuation 
  • 14 weeks paid parental leave
  • the payment of superannuation through the first 12 months of parental leave (paid and unpaid)
  • ‘Keeping in Touch Days’ for staff on parental leave to keep them connected to the workplace. 

The staff EBA has a nominal expiration date of 1 November 2024, which will give staff the opportunity through their union to contribute to this ongoing work.

During the WGEA reporting period (12 months), 15 employees undertook primary or secondary parental leave, 14 of whom returned to their substantive position, and 1 who returned into a more senior position. 

The Branch will continue to strive for new opportunities to address its gender pay gap. 


16 February 2024