ANMF Job Reps can view our upcoming training programs here.
The course registrations are made via our Delegates Portal.
Please note you will need to login to view and register for upcoming programs.
Once logged in to the Delegates Portal, Job Reps have access to member lists for your workplace
and you can view your completed Job Rep and HSR training.
If you have any concerns with your log-in details or password, please contact
Once elected, all Job Reps are provided with the opportunity to attend programs to gain the essential knowledge and tools to best support them and our members. The below training programs are provided free of charge, available year-round in Melbourne CBD and numerous regional areas across Victoria.
Job Rep Foundations is a single day program that provides you the tools and knowledge to undertake your new role of an ANMF Job Rep. You'll learn about the structure and functions of ANMF and the historical and current role of the unions. We explain your role as a Job Rep and provide information, materials and resources so you can set in motion ANMF activity in your workplace.
This program is complemented by the Job Rep Foundations online module*. This module will take approximately 2 hours to complete and can be accessed via the online CPD portal (you will be prompted to login using your member number and password to enrol for the module).
*Please note: it is not mandatory to complete the online module prior to attending this training program.
This program is also recommended as a 'refresher' for Job Reps who haven't attended training for three or more years.
Regional Areas: If no upcoming training is scheduled in your area, you are welcome to attend a Metro program conducted at the ANMF Victorian Branch. Alternatively, you can register for an online program.
The aim of this multiday program is to focus on developing skills and strategies in progressing and resolving collective issues.
Keeping it Organised Program 1 - Within this program we cover the following topics of union and workplace mapping, recruitment, workplace planning and WorkCover.
Keeping it Organised Program 2 - Within this program we cover enterprising bargaining processes, role of the Job Rep, problem solving and communication.
If a workplace has multiple Job Reps: We recommend a minimum of two Reps attend training together and discuss who can participate in each program to ensure all Job Reps attend or participate within a six-month period. This will help Job Reps plan and communicate program outcomes when you return to the workplace.
Metro Areas: The above programs are now delivered as two individual programs (different to previous years), so you now have the opportunity to register for program dates that best suit your availability.
Both programs complement one another, however they do not need to be completed consecutively or collectively (i.e. Program 2 can be completed prior to Program 1 and vice versa). Ideally Job Reps would complete both programs within twelve months to gain the intended full potential and knowledge.
Regional Areas: This program is still delivered across two consecutive days. If Regional Job Reps are unable to attend the scheduled face to face program, they can register for an online program.
This short course program is designed to give Job Reps a broad understanding of the structure, content and legal status of enterprise bargaining agreements (EBA). We discuss some basic principles for reading and applying EBA provisions and outline some of the golden rules and common pitfalls that can occur and provide information about the support and advice available through the ANMF (Victorian Branch).
This short course program is designed to give Job Reps the basic knowledge and available referral options to effectively support and guide ANMF members with concerns of this nature. We identify relevant legislations to provide a broad legal context when dealing with these matters and outline the ANMF (Vic Branch) processes and preliminary steps a Job Rep or HSR can take.