
Acute Care Refresher Program

This refresher program will provide you with the opportunity to revise your acute care skills and knowledge for application in a hospital setting, including a summary of hospital governance and the underpinning legal and ethical considerations. This four-day program will be delivered in-person and is complemented with clinical simulation-based training to replicate contemporary complex scenarios occurring in our hospitals. All simulated-based learning and assessment will cover your responsibilities for delivering nursing care in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) standards for practice for both registered and enrolled nurses.

This program is designed for all nurses wishing to transition their practice to hospitals in the acute care setting. It is suitable for both enrolled and registered nurses who are currently AHPRA registered with recency of practice in the following:

  • working in non-acute areas
  • working in aged care
  • working in mental health
  • non-practicing for up to two to four years
  • have been out of the workforce for less than five years.

CPD: 12 hours*

Clinical educators: Pam King, Cam Tu Do, Anne Ivers

Next intakes:

Thursday & Friday; 16, 17, 23 & 24 January 2025, 9am–5pm
Thursday & Friday; 13, 14, 20 & 21 February 2025, 9am–5pm
Thursday & Friday; 13, 14, 20 & 21 March 2025, 9am–5pm

These programs are supported by HESTA.

*These hours should consider your own scope of practice; refer to the NMBA Registration standard: Continuing professional development

Members $450 | Non-members $700 | Job Reps $400