What you need to know
Nurses, midwives and aged care personal care workers work with vulnerable patients, clients and residents. Required immunisation is reasonable in these settings and part of a range of infection control measures.
ANMF supports required immunisation against COVID-19 for nurses, midwives and personal care workers, unless there is a medical exemption, to protect yourself, your colleagues, your family, your patients and the community.
For the same reasons, ANMF is advocating that there should also be a vaccination requirement of visitors to aged and healthcare services.
Read the Federal ANMF COVID-19 vaccination position statement
Australian Government vaccination data
Victorian Government immunisation hub data
The Australian Government’s website provides a COVID-19 vaccination information hub and includes details about the vaccination roll out.
Victorian Department of Health COVID-19 vaccines – your questions answered – healthcare workers webinars: part 1 (10 June 2021) and part 2 (17 August 2021)
Federal Government information about the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine
Federal Government information about the Pfizer vaccine
What happens after I am vaccinated?
Australian Academy of Science – COVID-19 facts hub
Therapeutic Goods Administration – vaccines hub
Therapeutic Goods Administration COVID-19 vaccination information
World Health Organisation – vaccines explained
National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance
Australian Government translated information about COVID-19 vaccines
On the Record – COVID-19 vaccination FAQs answered
See all ATAGI statements
7 July 2022 ATAGI updated recommendations for a winter dose of COVID-19 vaccine
9 June 2022 ATAGI recommendations on first booster in adolescents aged 12-15 years
25 May 2022 Expanded ATAGI recommendations on winter COVID-19 booster doses for people with increased risk of severe COVID-19
25 March 2022 – recommendations on a winter booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine
2 August 2021 ATAGI statement regarding COVID-19 vaccines in the setting of transmission of the Delta variant of concern
24 July 2021 ATAGI response to NSW COVID-19 outbreak 24th July 2021
23 July 2021 RANZCOG statement Pregnant women are now eligible for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
13 July 2021 ATAGI statement on use of COVID-19 vaccines in an outbreak setting
17 June 2021 ATAGI statement on revised recommendations on the use of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca
9 June 2021 Joint statement between RANZCOG and ATAGI about COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women
12 May 2021 ATAGI update following weekly COVID-19 meeting
23 April 2021 A statement from Professor Paul Kelly, Australian Government Chief Medical Officer in response to the latest ATAGI advice
8 April 2021 Joint statement on COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccine advice from ATAGI
8 April 2021 ATAGI statement on AstraZeneca vaccine in response to new vaccine safety concerns
2 April 2021 TGA and ATAGI Specific clotting conditions reported after COVID-10 vaccination
2 April 2021 ATAGI statement on COVID-19 vaccination and a reported case of thrombosis
2 April 2021 Federal Government and TGA joint statement on AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine
2 April 2021 ATAGI statement for consumers on a specific clotting condition being reported after COVID-19 vaccination
19 March 2021 Update - European and UK reviews find no proven link with blood clots
18 March 2021 UK regulator confirms that people should continue to receive the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca
18 March 2021 EMA - COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca: benefits still outweigh the risks despite possible link to rare blood clots with low blood platelets
16 March 2021 Chief Medical Officer, Professor Paul Kelly - Australian Government remains confident in the Astra Zeneca vaccine