Important information about coronavirus

What you need to know

COVID-19 important information

This page provides members with direct links to the official federal and Victorian health department COVID-19 advice and information.

If your COVID-19-related inquiry is not answered by the documents on these pages please complete a Member Assistance online form

ANMF members are fortunate to have an understanding of infection control principles through their education and the accreditation standards by which their health facilities are measured. The community will be looking to nurses, midwives and personal carers to provide guidance and reassurance.

COVID-stressed? Have you seen the Nursing and Midwifery Health Program Victoria's 'I'm only human' campaign? Take the self-care quiz and find out how this free, confidential service is supporting nurses, midwives and nursing and midwifery students.




covid-19 vaccination feature

Covid-19 vaccination

The Australian COVID-19 vaccination program began on 22 February 2021. ANMF members are encouraged to keep up to date with the evidence-based Australian and Victorian government information.

covid-19 VicDH

Victorian Department of Health

For health services and general practitioners - coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - includes quick reference guide and checklist, guidelines and advice, current COVID-19 case definition, advice for clinicians and health care workers and other fact sheets.

Department of Health covid-19 information

Commonwealth Department of Health

Commonwealth Department of Health alerts, training modules and other resources

Other information

Other COVID-19-related information

Other COVID-19-related information from NMBA, AHPRA, the World Health Organisation and Centre for Disease Control (CDC)

ANMF newsflash covid-19

ANMF covid-19 newsflashes and member information

Read ANMF newsflashes and get answers to frequently asked questions

VDH COVID-19 workforce register

Victorian Department of Health workforce register

Victorian Department of Health pandemic surge workforce register.

Self care information for nurses, midwives and carers

Self-care resources for members

Resources for self-care collated by ANMF (Vic Branch) and Nursing & Midwifery Health Program Victoria (NMHPV)

ANMF member assistance

Contact ANMF (Vic Branch) member assistance

ANMF (Vic Branch) is only able to answer covid-19-related inquiries via this form to ensure we provide consistent and systematic advice and information

Join ANMF Vic Branch

Join ANMF (Vic Branch)

Become an ANMF (Vic Branch) member online

RUSOM employment model

RUSOM Employment Model

RUSOMs can only undertake activities that have been delegated and supervised by a registered midwife in accordance with the NMBA Registered nurse standards for practice (2016) and Delegation and Supervision Guidelines for Victorian nurses and midwives (DHS, 2014)

RUSON employment model

RUSON Employment Model

RUSONs can only undertake activities that have been delegated and supervised by a registered nurse in accordance with the NMBA Registered nurse standards for practice (2016) and Delegation and Supervision Guidelines for Victorian nurses and midwives (DHS, 2014)